2025 5th International Conference on Energy Engineering and Power Systems (EEPS 2025)



2021 International Conference on Energy Engineering and Power Systems(EEPS 2021) has been held online conference on August 21, 2021. EEPS 2021 conference was attended by 150 participants, including 6 keynote speakers and eight oral speakers sharing academic reports. Thanks to the support of experts and scholars!

In view of the COVID-19 outbreak in many parts of China, the EEPS 2021 conference, which was scheduled to be held in Hangzhou, has been changed to an online conference.

      2021年能源工程与电力系统国际会议(EEPS 2021)已于2021年8月21日在线召开。EEPS 2021会议有150人与会,其中包括六位主讲嘉宾和八位口头演讲学者分享学术报告。感谢各位专家和学者的支持!

      鉴于我国多地疫情暴发,原定在杭州举行的EEPS 2021会议已改为线上会议。

Keynote Speech | 主题报告


Assoc. Prof. Jiyun Zhao

City University of Hong Kong


演讲题目: Optimization of air-cooling technology for LiFePO4 battery pack based on deep learning

Prof. Caixia Chen

East China University of Science and Technology


演讲题目: A Comprehensive Two-fluid Model for Industrial Moving Grate 

MSW Incinerators

Assoc. Prof. Tiemin Xuan

Jiangsu University


演讲题目: Optical investigation on in-flame soot formation of diesel sprays

Assoc. Prof. Yingying Xiong

Shanxi University


演讲题目: The study on agglomeration and removal of fine particles in wet phase transition condensation process

Assoc. Prof. Abdul-Sattar Nizami

Government College University


演讲题目: Integrated Waste Biorefineries as Power Plant of the Future

Assoc. Prof. Bin Guan

Shanghai Jiao Tong University


演讲题目: Advanced Aftertreatment Technologies and Integrated System to Meet Future Stringent Vehicle Emissions Regulations

Oral Presentation | 口头演讲

Shagali Abdulmajid Abdullahi

Huazhong University of Science and Technology


演讲题目: Comparative study on one-step 

pyrolysis activation of walnut shells to biochar at different heating rates

Min Wang

Shandong University of Science and Technology


演讲题目: Research of energy literacy and 

environmental regulation research based on tripartite deterrence game model

Yafen Tian,

Shanghai University for Science and Technology


演讲题目: Thermodynamic evaluation and 

comparison of direct geothermal power systems and their expanders

Zhenao Sun

Northeastern University


演讲题目: An Oscillation Damping Method for 

Frequency-Detector-Less Virtual Synchronous 


Yaxuan Han

North China Electric Power University


演讲题目: The Situation and Suggestions of 

New Energy Power System Under the 

Background of Carbon Reduction in China

Menglian Li

East China University of Technology


演讲题目: Research on the influence of social 

capital on natural gas industry

Yueli Dong

Ordos Institute of Technology


演讲题目: Research on modeling method of 

power system network security risk assessment based on object-oriented Bayesian network

Huanying Chi

Huazhong University of Science and Technology


演讲题目: Comprehensive study on the effect of CO2 on coal pyrolysis at fast heating rate

Poster Presentation | 海报展示

幻灯片1.PNG幻灯片1.PNGposter-EEPS2021-UAQNRNKTNI-HJ工程大学-郭明 .pngposter-EEPS2021-Zhang XJ.pngposter-EEPS2021-东北石油大学-董康兴.pngposter-EEPS2021-国网电科院-陈昊喆 .png
poster-EEPS2021-国网电科院-孙才峰.png张贴-论文编号UAQNRNEVNT-订单号221071118225246644.pngposter-eeps2021-荆楚理工学院-郭婷.pngposter-EEPS2021-上海交通大学-陈东文.png韩谷静.PNG张书铨 杭州会议参会海报.png
Safety level radar map of urban distribution network in Liaoning Province under ice disaster海报.png

Group Photo | 合影