2025 5th International Conference on Energy Engineering and Power Systems (EEPS 2025)


2022 2nd International Conference on Energy Engineering and Power Systems(EEPS 2022)has been held online conference on August 26, 2023. EEPS 2022 conference was attended by 120 participants, including 8 keynote speakers and 8 oral speakers sharing academic reports. Thanks to the support of experts and scholars!

In view of the COVID-19 outbreak in many parts of China, the EEPS 2022 conference, which was scheduled to be held in Hangzhou, has been changed to an online conference.

Group Photo | 合影


Keynote Speech | 主题报告

image.pngProf. Zainal Kadir

Universiti Putra Malaysia

Title: Geomagnetically Induced Current Analysis for Grid System Resiliency Assessment

image.pngProf. Ishak Bin Aris

Universiti Putra Malaysia

Title: Research and Business Opportunities in Smart and Electric Mobility

image.pngProf. MOHAN LAL KOLHE

University of Agder (Norway)

Title:Integrated Renewable Energy System for Green Hydrogen

image.pngAssociate Professor Rakesh Patel

G H Patel college of Engineering & technology

Title:  The Future of Electric Vehicles and Material Resources


Prof. Fengwu Bai

The Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences

Title: Study on the performance of a solid particle receiver of solid particles free falling insides the quartz tube bundles.


Associate Professor Nor Asiah Muhamad

Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei Darussalam

Title: Design of Experiment (DOE) Approach for Optimization of Antioxidants Mixtures for Improvement of Natural Ester Transformer Oil Oxidation Stability and Dielectric Strength Properties


Associate Professor Dalila Binti Mat Said

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Title: Power Quality Issues at Industrial Facilities


Prof. Zhe Chen , Fellow IET, Fellow IEEE

Aalborg University

Title:  Variable Renewable Energy Technology and Modern Energy Systems

Oral Presentation | 口头演讲

Ji Wang, Electric Power Research Institute, CSG

Title: ABFT High-Performance Asynchronous Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Consensus Algorithm for Electricity Data Metrology


Pengwei Sun, China Southern Power Grid

Title: Operation characteristics of LCC-HVDC split-pole connected to power grids and its influence on control and protection system


Haziq Ibrahim,

Universiti Teknologi Brunei

Title: A Comparative Hybrid Optimisation Analysis of Automatic Voltage Regulator Using Metaheuristic Algorithms and Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR)


Zhang Shuo, State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Title: A multivariate operational situation awareness method based on weighted graph structure for complex nuclear power systems


Yue Li, North China University of Technology

Title: Electrical insulator defect detection from incomplete annotations by positive-unlabeled learning


JiRong Zheng, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry

Title: Hardness Recognition of Robotic Forearm Based on Multi-Time Scales Deep Features


Zhuwen Dai,Shenyang Institute of Engineering

Title: Analysis of transformer bias vibration based on " magnetic-mechanical" coupling


Rui Wang, School of Finance, Nanjing Agricultural University

Title: A Study of the Construction with Financial Risk indicators in Energy Management